Tours University Hospital has developed a donation policy that organises the following :
Medical furniture or equipment acquired through investment (in the inventory), reformed and not saled or included in new purchases can be freely given to French social or health non-profit organisations authorised by the CHRU.
Equipment not in the inventory can be given to non-profit organisations without authorisation in compliance with the regulations governing the transfer of free medical equipment to social and solidarity economy structures.
The non-profit organisations wishing to be authorised to receive donations of equipment need to contact the CHRU to establish their file.
Regardless of the process, a transfer agreement is written ahead of time for any withdrawal. The withdrawal will then be the subject of a receipt’s signature.
Donations made since 2021 :
Horizons Sahel with an estimated total of donations (value at purchase date) of 715 495 €
106 medical beds
27 other equipment (gynaecological tables, cart, stretcher…)
44 paediatric incubators
153 monitoring scopes and other medical devices
11 other equipment and furniture
CAMP of Conakry with an estimated total of donations (value at purchase date) of 59 810 €
1 microscope and heating slab, 1 laminar flow hood
Teo Touraine with an estimated total of donations (value at purchase date) of 5 550 €
3 monitoring scopes and 6 syringe pumps
1 craniotome
Chaîne de l’Espoir with an estimated total of donations (value at purchase date) of 11 649.48 €
ADPC 37 Ukraine with an estimated total of donations (value at purchase date) of 13 935 €
10 medical beds
ATAHSAM, 50 plain sheets
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