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Tours University Hospital has developed a donation policy that organises the following :

  • Medical furniture or equipment acquired through investment (in the inventory), reformed and not saled or included in new purchases  can be freely given to French social or health non-profit organisations authorised by the CHRU.
  • Equipment not in the inventory can be given to non-profit organisations without authorisation in compliance with the regulations governing the transfer of free medical equipment to social and solidarity economy structures.

The non-profit organisations wishing to be authorised to receive donations of equipment need to contact the CHRU to establish their file.

Regardless of the process, a transfer agreement is written ahead of time for any withdrawal. The withdrawal will then be the subject of a receipt’s signature.

Donations made since 2021 :

  • Horizons Sahel with an estimated total of donations (value at purchase date) of 715 495 €
    • 106 medical beds
    • 27 other equipment (gynaecological tables, cart, stretcher…)
    • 44 paediatric incubators
    • 153 monitoring scopes and other medical devices
    • 11 other equipment and furniture
  • CAMP of Conakry with an estimated total of donations (value at purchase date) of 59 810 €
    • 1 microscope and heating slab, 1 laminar flow hood
  • Teo Touraine with an estimated total of donations (value at purchase date) of 5 550 €
    • 3 monitoring scopes and 6 syringe pumps
    • 1 craniotome
  • Chaîne de l’Espoir with an estimated total of donations (value at purchase date) of 11 649.48 €
    • 28 extracorporeal circulation consoles, 10 pumps, 2 mixers
  • ADPC 37 Ukraine with an estimated total of donations (value at purchase date) of 13 935 €
    • 10 medical beds
  • ATAHSAM, 50 plain sheets